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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Thought

This Encyclopaedia provides the student (whether professional or amateur) of political thought with a reliable guide to the major ideas and doctrines that influence the contemporary world; it outlines the thought of leading political theorists, past and present, and considers the ways in which thinking about politics has evolved historically. We have confined our attention largely to the western tradition of political thought, although we have included survey articles on Chinese, Hindu and Islamic political thought which we hope will introduce the reader to these non-western traditions, we make no claim to comprehensive coverage. We have included the thought of philosophers, historians, lawyers, economists and sociologists only when they have made some direct contribution to political debate. In order to keep entries on individual thinkers within reasonable bounds, we have made extensive use of survey articles to cover major episodes in political thought (e.g. the Greeks, the Renaissance) and major traditions (e.g. liberalism, Marxism); minor figures falling within the scope of such articles are given two or three lines and cross-referenced.

Editors: David Miller, Janet Coleman, William Connolly, Alan Ryan
Publisher: Blackwell Publishers (2002)
Pages: 555
Type: chm
ISBN: 0632279445

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